Fešta Tri Kralja
Sunday, January 5, 2025
10:30 PM
Holy Rosary Catholic Church
4210 SW Genesee St
Seattle, WA 98116
Croatian Fraternal Union Lodge 439, Seattle Jr Tamburitzans and Holy Rosary Catholic Church Present
Annual Croatian Celebration in Honor of the Feast of the Epiphany
Tamburitza Mass at 10:30 AM Proceeds from second collection to benefit St Theresa's Orphanage in Zagreb, Croatia
Followed by traditional Croatian pasta luncheon at Lanigan Center
$30 Adults $15 Children under 18 years
Tables of 10 reserved seating $300
Make checks payable to: CFU Lodge 439 . Mail to: CFU Lodge 439 c/o Cathryn Morovich
2130 - 48th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116
Please make reservartions by January 2, 2025.
For more information call: Cathryn Morovich 209-937-8960